Monday, September 14, 2009

Cardinals vs Braves

We ventured down to St.Louis on Sunday for an Atlanta Braves (Nathan's team) vs St.Louis Cardinals (Amber's team) game for my birthday. We went with a small group including Nathan's cousin Brock and his girlfriend Cassie and met my friend Ali there, who's from St.Louis. We had a great time! Our seats were a little unusual. We ended up in the wheelchair seating, which ended up being really nice. We had space to move our chairs around and there was a steady breeze the whole game. The Cardinals ended up losing and the Braves had their sweep. Better luck next time! This picture below is the view from our seats!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Getting out of yard work

On Sunday evening we decided to rip out some bushes and weeds in the front yard. Nathan made sure I wore gloves and tennis shoes to avoid poison ivy. Well, I'm just not meant to work in the yard I guess because I ended up getting poison ivy so bad on my arms and legs that by Wednesday night Nate talked me into going to urgent care and getting a shot. I'm not a fan of doctors or needles so this was a big deal. After the shot I was told I never have to pull weeds again! I wish I didn't have to go through three days of extreme itching to win that battle! :)